Ascended Masters

Divine Enlightened Beings

The Ascended Masters, are a group of many councils of enlightened beings, many of whom have lived Earthly incarnations, but not all, who have ascended their physical incarnations. Often known as the Mahatmas, certain groups of these enlightened beings in loving service assist the Earth and humanity in the Ascension process. Each one of these masters has mastered the physical realms to ascend into light to be one with Source consciousness, or the creation core.

Ishtar has been trained by and worked with a council of 33 Ascended Masters during the past 23+ years she has been chanelling them. When Ishtar connects with the Ascended Masters she always sees a high frequency light body and not a physical human body. The Masters say we like to depict them with human faces and bodies because it makes it easier for us to connect with them, yet they no more hold physical matter. The Ascended Masters always work in councils in co-creation and never as one Master alone, although only one Master may speak or connect with you.

The Ascended Masters speak to us through many physical channels on the Earth today and also connect with us through our dreams, meditations, writings, drawings, sound, music and art.

These Masters sit within the higher dimensions and are cosmic beings of light that encompass galaxies of portals and vortexes of light. Their frequencies are of a much higher nature than those of the Earth realms and they move freely through the dimensions of light.

You may be more resonant to certain Ascended Masters than others because they may be aligned with your soul group, councils of light in which you work, or are connected to you because they hold keys for you at this time that will assist you to anchor your unique divine plan.

Some of the Masters who connect with you will be on your own Ascension Council, which always holds 12 enlightened beings from different dimensions and realms.

When you connect with an Ascended Master you will experience their divine vibrational energy and your energy will feel expanded simply by being in their presence.

The use of the names of the Ascended Masters, images, symbols, mantras and codes or mandalas will spark within you a remembrance and a knowing of the Christ (Source) energy vibration and accelerate your own vibration to a more expanded level of being.

The Masters come to you to share their mastery of co-creation in the physical realms that they have embodied and integrated through their being. Each Master holds specific gifts, wisdom and mastery they have embodied on their own journey and they come to share this with you when you are in need of learning it on your journey, so you may enlighten (awaken to the pure light of yourself).

In the Keys of Enoch by James J Hurtak it says: "Ascended Masters have served several incarnations in the lower heavens teaching the Cosmic Law of the Universe and who have ascended back into the presence of the Father from whence they receive new assignments to teach a wide variety of worlds because of their greater love."

Allah Gobi - Temple of Inner Peace
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Allah Gobi - Temple of Inner Peace

“Dearest hearts, when we walk together in the temples of light it is because you are being asked to bring a gift of great love and surrender to your being. This gift is the key of silent peace, dear hearts, where one may sit and be as one with all that is without the intrusion of the thoughts and words of the human mind. Allow this silence to envelop you like the gift that it is and sit with us in loving embrace and come to know your truth.”

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Lady Ashtar - Temple of Connection
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lady Ashtar - Temple of Connection

“We bring all into unity where all may recognise their gifts, the ones of God’s heart, and bring them into co-creation in service to the whole. All who come to work with the Ashtar Command do this in loving service to co-create in unity as ONE.”

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Lord Ashtar - Temple of Service
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lord Ashtar - Temple of Service

“In the Ashtar Command we are the many all connected together with but one purpose - to serve the divine light of all that is. For it is this light that creates all that we are in every moment. We work with the many to serve the whole and bring all back to peace and unification for only in this will we know the power of the divine light that creates us.”

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Babaji - Temple of Enlightenment
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Babaji - Temple of Enlightenment

“I am one without form and life yet I am filled with the light. I walk the pathways of eternal light to my endless salvation and will walk beside you on your path of enlightenment. Step with me and seek the path of love for this is the way of the enlightened master. Let go your chains and limitations and be free of the veils of density and duality. In this you will become the light.”

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Divine Mother - Temple of Universal Oneness
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Divine Mother - Temple of Universal Oneness

“We come to hold you in sacred space so that you may sit in the stillness of your hearts and know that which you are….. Open your hearts and minds and allow yourselves to be held.”

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Djwal Khul - Temple of the Inner Wisdoms
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Djwal Khul - Temple of the Inner Wisdoms

“I am the keeper of the wisdoms and hold the key to unlock the doorway to new unfoldments of mysteries. I will open your eyes and assist you to see more clearly the path upon which you tread. I will assist you to understand the Divine Heart and your connection in oneness to that which is within it. I am the light and the way.”

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El Moyra - Temple of Divine Will
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

El Moyra - Temple of Divine Will

“I am one the great teacher that brings all beings to the understanding of the true power that they hold. The power of choice in each moment creates your reality, no matter where you sit. I come to support all students of the light to know their true power and how to wield it in accordance with the divine plan.”

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Hilarion - Temple of Reconnection
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Hilarion - Temple of Reconnection

“To sit alone in separation is a great curse on the human frailty of mankind and yet there is no need for this. I am the wielder of divine light that merges all with the heart of God Source, if one is called to meet with me and flow along the creation spirals of the light for which you were made.”

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Lady Ishtar - Temple of Wisdom
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lady Ishtar - Temple of Wisdom

“Know that you are so much more than you ‘think’ you are, dear hearts, You are the suns and the moons, you are the intergalactic stars and connection, you are all that is. In every cell and breath of you resides the pure light of expression of God’s heart. Allow this to become that which you are and lift up your hearts and minds to the new for you.”

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Lady Isis - Temple of Service
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lady Isis - Temple of Service

“Dear ones, it is only through the feminine heart of God’s grace that you will learn how to co-create with the heart of God. Open your minds and hearts and learn how to receive the wisdom that awaits you in God’s heart.”

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Lord Kuthumi - Temple of Love and Wisdom
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lord Kuthumi - Temple of Love and Wisdom

“I come to assist those on the higher path of Light to focus on that which they are and to keep the flame alive and burning brightly within them. There is nought to do but to focus and be disciplined in what one wishes within one's heart. To see the path of God and to follow this golden light all the way unto the end. This does not seem so hard, but many find it intolerable. I am the one that comes to hold you firm and to teach you the nuances of Light.”

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Jeshua - Temple of Christ Consciousness
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Jeshua - Temple of Christ Consciousness

“I am that which I am. I am one with you, one with all and one with the light of God Source in every moment of existence. I am never separate from the God Source for the God Source made me and is part of every molecule of my existence. For I am.”

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Lady Lakshmi - Temple of Karma
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lady Lakshmi - Temple of Karma

“The alchemy of your being resides in the transformation of your consciousness form the density of your physical illusion to the light of your conscious being. Any material wealth is simply a mirror of the way you are transforming every part of you from the density to the pure light. How does this flow for you in your life? Be aware of this flow and you will know what you are creating in truth.”

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Lord Lanto - Temple of Alchemy
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lord Lanto - Temple of Alchemy

“I am the alchemy of divine light and divine love merged as one together and this is the mastery that I bring to all hearts willing to learn of that which they are in truth. I hold the purity of the Threefold Flame of God’s heart within me just as all beings hold it within them. The only difference between me and you is that I accept and embrace the Threefold Flame and understand without doubt that I am the alchemy of pure form made into light.”

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Lady Lilith - Temple of the Feminine Heart
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lady Lilith - Temple of the Feminine Heart

“I am the eternal feminine heart that sits in God’s light and receives the divine wisdom from the ages of all. We hold the divine plan of mankind in our hands and know its outcome and its path as it winds its way through the eons of light in this galaxy to become.”

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Lady Mary (mother of Jeshua the Nazarene) - Temple of Inner Healing
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lady Mary (mother of Jeshua the Nazarene) - Temple of Inner Healing

“Dear hearts, I bestow upon you the blessings of all that is and ask you to join me to sit within the one heart of all that is. To do this one must let go all that one holds in the mind and the being of eternal compromise that keeps you ever further from the heart of God. Do this and take my hand and we will sit together in light and love.”

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Mary Magdalene - Temple of Christ Consciousness
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Mary Magdalene - Temple of Christ Consciousness

“Lift your hearts and minds to be the ONE. Become the ONE that you are in divine truth. Know in your hearts and minds that you are the divine light of God’s heart and be this in all that you do. This is the path, dear hearts.”

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Lord Melchizedek - Universal Logos - Temple of Empowerment
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Lord Melchizedek - Universal Logos - Temple of Empowerment

“I am of the realms of the highest and sit on the right hand of God/Goddess. I bring to you the light of all that is to assuage your souls and spirit and to assist you to be that which you are. I am the Lord of Discipline and the Lord most high. I bring to you the frequencies of the God essence that which you are. Lift yourselves beloveds and be one with the light.”

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Metatron - Temple of the Tree of Life
Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Metatron - Temple of the Tree of Life

“I come to remind you that you are never alone and that there is no challenge that you will find unsupported if you open your heart and mind to listen and to receive that which is offered to you. All that is created in the physical world of the human form is simply that which you will into existence as a collective. When your collective chooses to change its will then you will know an infinite shift in consciousness that will embrace the whole.”

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