Masters’ Way School
A Self-Mastery Course that Changes Your Life
Six years of channelled wisdom teachings from the Ascended Masters
Become the master that you are...
Would you like to grow more spiritually?
The Masters’ Way shows you how. It offers three levels of spiritual growth with like-minded students as you share, grow, cry, love, laugh and dance together with your spirit.
Do you find life challenging at times?
We make it easier. The Masters’ Way gives you the tools you need to cope day-to-day.
Are you looking for answers?
We have plenty. The course helps you to become centred and calm so you can see things more clearly.
Do you need some tools to help you in life?
It’s all there. The course offers you 100s of different tools that will support you.
Would you like more direction in life?
The Masters’ Way teaches you about the Universal Laws and these really help you reach your highest potential.
Would you like to meet like-minded people?
Students discover they have a lot in common and grow together like family.
Are you going through major changes in life?
No worries, we can show you how to get through the bumps.
Do you want a bit of support?
Through sharing experiences students support each other because they understand where you’re coming from.
Would you like to change your life?
Students tell us over and over again that this course really changes their life for the better.
Step onto the path...
Our journey on the Earth may often be filled with challenges and pitfalls and without the tools we need to support us to find grace in our physical lives we continue to be the victim of our circumstances and experiences.
If you would like to change this in your life we offer you a way to step into self-mastery.
We do not say this will be easy, because it requires a little bit of work. But we do say that if you choose to step into self-mastery then you will find a way to create grace and ease in your life that you have not known to date.
The Masters' Way is a profound spiritual course that guides you to reconnect with your spirit at a deep level and to come into mastery of your life. It has been created over three levels by the Ascended Masters of light who hold this mastery themselves. The course was channelled from the Ascended Masters by In'Easa mabu Ishtar over 10 years in loving service to humanity.
The 3 levels are Path of Light, Path of Love and Path of Mystery. Each level takes about 10 months to complete and is filled with high frequency teachings, activations, healings and tools that support you in your day-to-day life to be all that you can be. You can do one level or all three - we find that most students want to continue after doing the first level.
While the healings and activation from the Masters offer exceptional wisdom and teachings at an energy level that is so high it often 'knocks you out' when you listen to them, the course is also very practical and asks you to take the teachings and practice using them in your day-to-day life.
This course introduces you to your spiritual self and helps you to understand your energetic body - how to work with the chakras, the Universal matrix, your soul, your monad, the light body, karma, the Universal Laws, light rays of energy, and much more.
Anyone can do this course… simply choose to let go and open your heart.
Please Note: This course is ONLY available under the guidance of an accredited teacher. We no longer allow students to do this course on their own as experience has shown us over many years that solo students never complete it.
“The mystery sits in the core of each one of us for we are the mystery. The eternal spiral of life moves deeply through the Universe and affects all things as it constantly creates again and again. It is this spiral of creation that brings us home to the very core of our being—the Source of all that is. Choose to walk the spiral of life in full surrender and release the will of the ego self to the will of your Divine Self. When you open your heart to the flow of creation in full surrender then you come to know the true power of the mystery as it manifests in your life.” - Ishtar
“During this course I have found that my attitude towards others and myself has changed, meaning that I can now accept others for who and what they are, and myself the same. I can also see that I look and understand my feelings in a better way and am much happier in myself. The biggest change that I have noticed is that I have become less reliant, in certain circumstances, on close family. I can now feel comfortable in being out and meeting people on my own. I certainly feel much more connected to the spiritual than before the course, as aspects of me have been lit up and highlighted, that I need to open and use.”
Barbara, UK
“I have seen progress in myself with each lesson. By looking within I have found understanding and acceptance of my own problems that exist. I find the need to continue my journey to become the person that is within me. I have looked inside in a different way. I wake up with the thought every morning that something wonderful is going to happen and that I will try to do the very best that I can for this day. I want to be the difference I see in the world today.”
David, UK
“Among her numerous gifts, Ishtar is a most kind, loving, wise, generous, compassionate and understanding soul. Two of her strongest assets as a channel are clarity and integrity. To Ishtar I say, thank you and may you be blessed a thousand times a thousand-fold with the Love and Light you share so freely with others.”
Sol'lama September 2005, Connecticut, USA
“Beloved Ishtar. From the depths of my Being we thank Thee and The Masters for Love and Wisdom that has been shared. The Light that has been shed upon areas of the path that we have so longed for needed for understanding....Eternal Gratitude and Infinite Love for Thee and for The Masters. Sending you Waves and Waves and Waves of Love, Light and Sound.”
Lehaya Shamahlea Kiama Ki'El Crystal Heart Keeper of the Universal Sound Currents, USA
“I express my deep gratitude towards Ishtar and the work she does. Working with her through 3 programs (Path of Light, Path of Love and Open to Channel) she offers, has truly changed my life. Even as a yoga teacher for 10 years I was still struggling with heavy family relationship issues. This work has allowed me to transform all my relationships and truly open to my potential. I came from a feeling of being a victim of my life to being able to be happy in my life and with myself, manifesting my dreams and my light. I encourage everyone who wants truly to be happy to do this work. It is truly a blessing. Without this work I would not be who I am today - in awe with my life and myself. Thank you Ishtar to help me becoming the master of myself and of my life upon the earth. With my deep respect, love and gratitude.”
Lila Catherine Bruschweiler (Nyon – Switzerland)
“Much love and appreciation for that wonderful session . . . I have been moved into a space of gentle stillness . . . my fears have been stunned into silence by such eloquence, simplicity/complexity, and truth . . . my cup runneth over . . . Blessings”
Lela, Argentina
“The gentle, truthful words of love from the masters spoke directly to what was most needed in my life "now" to move forward on my journey. Most important were the practical suggestions offered to assist me to move beyond my resistance and to bring all the parts of me that feel separate and alone Home to the One Heart. This was the answer to the question I was seeking. I am eternally grateful for this assistance.”
Sariya, Tucson Arizona, USA - Educator for Healing the Body
Some Of Our Students & Teachers